
앤디워홀과 컴퓨터

아아이디 2011. 1. 28. 19:26

1986년 아미가 월드란 잡지에 앤디워홀 공장장이 인터뷰한 내용이 있습니다.

당시에 복사기나 프린터, 라이트펜 등을 이용했다고 합니다.

컴퓨터로 하는 예술의 전망을 좋게 보고 있습니다.

아직도 살아있었으면 얼마나 볼만했겠습니까!

“The thing that I like most about doing this kind of art on the Amiga is that it looks like my work.”
Long term Amiga users will remember the unveiling of the Commodore A1000 on July 23rd 1985 at the New York Lincoln Centre. As part of the demonstration of the Amigas ability Commodore invited Andy Warhol to create a portrait of Debbie Harry, lead singer of Blondie using Island Graphics Graphicraft. This was accompanied by a full score synthesised by Roger Powell and Mike Boom, author of Musicraft.

The interview is scanned from the January/February 1986 of the US magazine and saved in JPEG format. Hopefully the former publishers of Amiga World will not mind reproduction of this piece of Amiga history.


두번째 작품에 관한 이야기도 있습니다.

바빠서 앞부분만 이해가 됐는데,

위작의 판매권을 금지하는 걸로 타협했다는 얘기가 진실이라는 건지 거짓이라는 건지 이거 다음 문장부터 이해가 잘 안갑니다.

When the dealer sought to verify the provenance of the 'Warhol' Guevaras, Malanga wrote to Warhol, explaining that if the works were not authenticated, the poet would be 'denounced - Italian style' and thrown into jail. Malanga enclosed a newspaper review of the show, commenting, 'Andy, this is the first time that your art work has been praised by the Communist press.' 'What nerve!' Warhol remarked. Not one to be outwitted, he wired back, authenticating the paintings but stipulating that all monies were to be sent directly to him as 'Mr. Malanga was not authorized to sell the artwork.'"

