
공부시간 계획법

아아이디 2012. 9. 3. 21:30

공부시간 계획법

Handout from 2003 Orientation Session

  1. 낮 시간에 공부하자: research shows that 60 minutes of study during the day is the equivalent of 90 minutes of study at night (Pauk, 1989, p. 45).
  2. 강의 타입의 코스가 끝나면 바로 공부하자: retention and understanding are aided by a review of your lecture notes immediately after class: eg., one study showed that students who wrote a 5-minute review test following a lecture remembered one and a half times as much material as students who did not review, when tested 6 weeks later (Pauk, 1989, p. 104).
  3. 우선순위에 따라 공부할 목록을 만들고 실행하자: remember Parkinsons' law that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion." If you allot 2 hours to read 10 pages, it'll probably take you 2 hours to complete this 30 min. task.
  4. 오랜 시간 전에 공부를 시작하자: avoids cramming and the resultant poor quality ("If only I had more time...")
  5. 얼마나 오래 공부할지 발견하자: as a rough starting guide, for every hour in class you should plan to study for two hours outside of class. Then, adjust up or down as necessary to achieve your goals.
  6. 블럭 단위로 계획하자 : in general, optimum efficiency is reached by planning to study in blocks of one hour -- 50 min of study followed by a 10-min break (Pauk, 1989, p. 45). Shorter periods are fine for studying notes and memorizing materials. Longer periods are often needed for problem solving tasks and for writing papers.
  7. 매 공부 기간의 목표를 만들어 두자: be specific regarding the task that you hope to accomplish during each planned study period.
  8. 여분의 시간을 복습 노트와 스터디 그룹을 위해 쓰자: We have found that students can get most of their studying done in a normal "work day" if they treat school as an 8-6 job.
